All Club members agree to abide by the byelaws of the Current Zero Club.



1 Naming

The full name of this organization is “Current Zero Club, International Research Group on Interruption Phenomena of Power Switching Devices”, shortened to “Current Zero Club”, and abbreviated to “the Club” or “CZC”.


The mission of the Current Zero Club is to encourage the advancement of the science and technology of current interruption and current limitation in electric power systems, primarily by providing a forum for free informal discussion of problems and research in switching devices related to the scope.

3 Scope

The scope of activity of the Current Zero Club is limited to current interruption and making phenomena in power switching devices and includes short-circuit current limitation. Any scientific phenomenon, tool, new technical solution, new scientific and practical achievement and development related to these may be discussed.

4 Compliance

Membership of the Current Zero Club is open to anyone who satisfies the criteria for membership. The agendas for meetings, the attendees, and titles and authors of presentations will be available on the website. The Chair will report to CIGRE the main scientific and technical issues related to the scope that warrants further open discussion. The Chair will also report to members any feedback or discussions with CIGRE that it believes needs further considered open discussion.

It is the responsibility of individual members and attendants of meetings that they comply with any corporate governance issues, national and international laws relating to anti-trust and anti- competitive practices. Attendants of meetings must adhere to these in their presentations and discussions. Discussions and presentations are strictly limited to technical and scientific subjects only. No commercial or other business-related subjects shall be discussed. All attendants of meeting shall sign an attendance list confirming the above, to be kept in file by the Chair.

5 General framework of the activities

The Current Zero Club, as a scientific and technical discussion forum, is formed by its members with equal rights, responsibilities, and duties.

The Club has two tiers of meetings. The first is plenary sessions chaired by the Chair of the Current Zero Club and circle meetings, which are chaired by circle Sub Chairs.

The plenary sessions cover the full scope of the Club. In the member’s meeting, which is part of the plenary session, but only open to members, Club management, membership issues and operational issues are discussed.

The circle meetings focus upon certain parts of the scope: These circle meetings cover:

a) The technology of the interruption with vacuum (“vacuum circle”),
b) The technology of the interruption with SF6 and other gases (“gas circle”).
c) The technology of the interruption at low voltage (“low-voltage circle”).

Circle themes may be formed and removed at any time by consent of the members.

For circle meetings, non-members are welcome to attend by either being invited or by making a request to the Sub Chair for that particular meeting. The Sub Chair shall decide whether to approve any invitation or request to attend to the meeting. If non-members are invited, then they may participate in the meeting.

Guests are invited individually by members to the plenary sessions and participate in the plenary session.
All guests should present either their own work that is within the scope of the Club or give a survey paper from their own hand on a field closely related to the scope.

The Chair of the Club presides over the plenary session.

Each circle meeting is chaired by its own Sub Chair.

Every meeting is organized by its own secretary.

Between scheduled meetings, members communicate by circulating material (messages and documents) by e-mail.

As necessary, colloquia may be organized to discuss with the wider scientific and technical community aspects relating to the scope.

The Chair of CIGRE Study Committee A3 is invited formally to the plenary sessions of the Club.
The Chair of the Club will inform CIGRE Study Committee A3 on the activities of the Club.

A member appointed by the Club will be responsible for the maintenance and updating of the Club website.

Discussions at the plenary and circle forums will focus on the scientific and technical issues defined by the scope.

The current list of members and the Club website address shall be appended to these bylaws as “Appendix A”.

Amendments to the bylaws (except Appendix A) can only be made with the agreement of members, provided that 2/3 (two thirds) of the membership vote for the change(s). Members will be allowed to vote via e-mail addressing their e-mails to the Chair and Secretary.

The language for scientific and technical presentations and discussion is English.

The Club website shall provide an up to date list of members.

6 Members

6.1 Basis of membership

Membership is strictly on scientific and technical merit.

Normally no more than two members from the same research group should be admitted at any one time.

No member is allowed to nominate a substitute if they are unable to attend a meeting but may still invite a guest.

6.2 Requirement for membership

Members should be engaged actively and personally in major research as defined by the scope.
Members should be outstanding experts in the field.

6.3 Number of members

The Club wishes to bring together as many international excellent experts in the field as possible. However, there is recognition that this is not feasible or practical, and therefore to assure effective and open discussions, the membership shall be restricted to around 35. In exceptional and thoroughly justified cases, and with the agreement of its members, this number can be exceeded.

6.4 Membership list

An up-to-date list of all members shall be available at all times and be appended to these bylaws as appendix A and be available on the website.
A list of members including e-mail addresses and institutions will be available to the Club.
This list must be updated at each meeting of the members.

To assure proper and effective communication between members, including Chair, Secretary and Sub Chairs, individual members are responsible for informing the Chair about any change in e-mail address and/or institution.

6.5 Rights of members

Members may participate at each meeting (circle and plenary) and may give presentations in line with the Club scope provided they are the author or a co-author of this presentation.

Members may invite non-members to the circle meetings and guests to the plenary sessions. All participants will be permitted to make scientific comments, remarks or criticize the content or subject material being presented at the meeting.

Members may table proposals through the Chair and may vote on issues tabled at the Club members’ meetings.

Any member is eligible to be elected as Chair, Secretary, Sub Chair, website coordinator or any other role that members may wish to create.

Any member may offer to host a Club meeting at their own institution with the agreement of the other members of the Club.

To ensure that all members have an opportunity to present at meetings, normally it will be expected that each member presents up to one presentation. If a member wishes to make more than one presentation, this rule may be relaxed at each meeting provided there is sufficient time to permit decisions and permission is sought from the Chair and the Secretary. The Chair’s and the Secretary’s decision is final.

Each member may invite only one guest to the plenary session where the guest is required to make a presentation. The limit on the number of guests may be relaxed provided that there are no more guests than participating members and the number of all participants does not exceed 40. The member must discuss with the Chair the reason why they are inviting an additional guest. The Chair’s decision on additional guests is final.

6.6 Duties of members

All members shall act in accordance with the bylaws.

For continuing membership:

(a) Each member shall attend at least one plenary session during a period of three consecutive plenary sessions.

(b) Members shall be working personally and actively in the field covered by the scope.

(c) If members leaves job then it is sufficient that they continue to be active in an activity relevant to the scope to continue as a member.

Members shall inform the secretary about their planned participation, presentation title and the name of their guest to be invited, as applicable. If a member wishes to invite a guest, they must inform the secretary of the title of their guest’s presentation and contact details (address for written correspondence and email address).

If a member nominates a guest as a candidate for membership, this member shall forward the candidate’s documents to the Chair and the secretary.

If a member receives a request to attend a circle meeting this member shall forward this information to the relevant circle Sub Chair.

6.7 Becoming a member

Any expert who personally works either theoretically or experimentally in the field covered by the scope may be a candidate for Club membership. If the nominated candidate meets all of the following requirements, then this person can be nominated to become a member of the Club.

Candidates shall:

(a) have published original papers covering the scope in relevant quality periodicals reporting their original scientific work at or about that required level for a Doctoral thesis.
(b) be active in the field directly connected to the scope and is not expected to leave the field within the foreseeable future.
(c) have attended at least two Club meetings and at least one as a guest at plenary session and have given at least two presentations related to their research work. Exceptionally, researchers who have a proven track record and reputation, agreed upon by the members, may be invited to become a member after one presentation in a plenary meeting.
(d) send (through the member who is their nominator for candidature) their curriculum vitae and a list of their published papers to the Chair and the Secretary, if required thereafter by a member a reprint (or equivalent). The Chair will contact the candidate and request such reprints (or equivalent). The candidate shall send the selected reprints (or equivalent) to the Chair for distribution.

For a candidate to become a member they are required to satisfy the following criteria:

i. All requirements from (6.7 a to d) shall be completely fulfilled by the candidate.
ii. Only the achievements of the candidate in the related field shall be considered and not university degree, other memberships, place in their organization, etc.
iii. The candidate shall fulfill the requirement for membership (6.2)
iv. The candidate adds to the balance of the Club membership.
v. The procedure to become a member is as follows:
1. Members become acquainted with an expert as a guest at least two meetings (including at least one plenary) prior to the “voting” at a members’ meeting, where members will vote on a candidate.
2. At least one member nominates the guest as candidate for membership, in a plenary session prior to the “voting” members’ meeting,
3. The documents in (d) shall be sent to the Chair and the Secretary six months before the next plenary session at which the vote will take place. The Chair distributes these documents and handles possible requests for reprints (or equivalent) directly with the candidate.
4. At the plenary session when the vote is to occur and after an evaluation of the candidate, members vote whether they provisionally accept the candidate as a member.
5. If the vote is negative, the candidate may be re-evaluated at the next plenary session.
6. If the vote is positive, a period of six months starts within which members can still raise objections against the candidate. These shall be communicated to all other members within six months after the plenary session at which the vote was taken.
7. If no objections are received by the Chair within 6 months, the candidate becomes a member.
8. If objections are received, the candidate may be re-evaluated at the next plenary session.

6.8 Termination of membership

Membership terminates if:
(a) the member expresses a wish to terminate their membership to the Chair, or
(b) they do not keep these bylaws, especially by not being present in meetings covered by the time period of three consecutive plenary sessions, or
(c) they are deceased.

The Chair informs members of any terminated membership at the next plenary session.

6.9 Resuming membership

If an expert had been a Club member previously, but their membership has been terminated, and later, the former member wishes to resume membership, they have to send the Chair a detailed list of their activities since the termination of the membership together with reasons why their membership was terminated. The Chair shall introduce this document at the next members’ meeting, where the members shall discuss and shall decide on whether or not to reactivate the former member’s membership.

7 Meetings

There are biennially plenary sessions and optionally circle meetings. The plenary and the circle meetings can be organized at different locations and times or arranged to occur just before or after a plenary session.

In order to keep meetings effective and to an acceptable duration, the number of participants and the number of presentations are both restricted to 40. However, in exceptional circumstances more may be permitted providing that there is sufficient time to permit presentation and discussion.

7.1 Plenary sessions

The duration is normally two days. The plenary session has two parts, the technical meeting and the members’ meeting.

7.1.1 Technical meeting

In the technical meeting, members and invited guests take part. Here, technical/scientific presentations are given and free discussions follow these.

7.1.2 Members’ meeting.

In the meeting of members, only members may take part. Organizational matters and any affairs related to the Club will be freely discussed according to necessity. Decisions will be made by discussion and consensus. If there is no consensus, then it will be put to a vote. A simple majority of the members present is needed to approve a decision. If the result of the vote is a tie, the Chair has the casting vote. Normally, voting is by a show of hands, however, if any member wishes, the voting can be by a secret ballot. Change to the bylaws is exempt from a simple majority vote.

A typical set of items for the members’ meeting agenda are:
(a) location (host organization) and date of the next plenary session; appointment of its plenary secretary preferably from the host organization.
(b) a list of requirements for the next plenary session secretary.
(c) location (host country) and date of the next circle meetings; appointment of their secretaries preferable from the host organizations.
(d) any resignations, election of new members, re-activation of a previous membership and potential candidates for membership. Including voting on candidates for membership.
(e) In the case of a resignation of the Chair of the Club or circle Sub Chair, there will be immediate discussion on their replacement. The appointment of a new Chair or Sub Chair is by a secret vote of members at the members’ meeting and confirmed by a simple majority vote. In case of a tied vote of the members the outgoing Chair has the casting vote.
(f) any new proposition by the Chair, for example, opening a new or terminating an existing circle activity.
(g) updating of the membership list.
(h) website issues.
(i) proposal for a colloquium.
(j) information on Club’s interaction with CIGRE SC A3 (certain restrictions can be requested by any member).
(k) change to the bylaws.
(l) there is no requirement to elect the Chair from one meeting to the next. The Chair will normally continue in the role until their resignation or until members request a change. If ½ (half) of the members at the members’ meeting request such a change, there should be an immediate vote for the Chair. A simple majority of the Club membership is sufficient for the election of the Chair. If there are not enough members present than voting should be through e-mail. The Chair will carry on until a new one is elected.

7.1.3 Minutes

After each plenary session, minutes shall be prepared by the plenary secretary summarizing:

(a) important events of that meeting.
(b) the list of members and guests present.
(c) the presentation titles and their authors.
(d) the items discussed during the meeting of members.
(e) decisions approved by the members.

7.2 Circle meetings

The duration is normally 2 days. Circle meetings have a more open character than plenary session, because any person (not necessarily invited by a member) can attend. The only restriction for attendance is that the interested specialist makes their interest known to a member and that their attendance is approved by the circle Sub Chair. Non-members are required to give a presentation of their own work and this must be of adequate scientific / technical level related to the circle’s field of interest. A free discussion follows each presentation.

Circle meetings are to be announced on the Club website and all members shall be informed by e-mail.

8 Chairman

The Chair of the Club and circle Sub-Chairs:

(a) Presides over the relevant meetings.
(b) Instruct the secretary of the meeting on their duties and acts as their adviser and coordinator.
(c) Decides the final list of guests.

In addition, the Chair of the Club:

(d) At the opening of the plenary session, emphasizes the confidentiality of the proceedings incumbent upon members and guests, and governance issues that are placed on each member.
(e) Discuss the minutes and updated Appendix with the Secretary.
(f) Supervises the observation of the bylaws.
(g) Distributes candidates’ documents (if any) to the members.
(h) Informs the members about any resignations at the next meeting of members.
(i) Informs the members about former members who wish to be considered for reactivation of their membership and presents relevant documentation for members to consider the request.
(j) Represents the Club until the next plenary session.
(k) Informs CIGRE Study Committee A3 on the Club activities.

9 Secretary

The Secretary of the (plenary or circle) meeting is responsible for:

(a) The preparation of the meeting:
i. Calls for presentations and guests six months before the meeting.
ii. Forwards a list of proposed guests with the titles of their presentations and proposed agenda to the Chair, and after review and consultation with the Chair to all the members.
iii. Invites members and accepted guests two months before the meeting and provides them with all necessary information.
(b) The organization of the meeting.
(c) Chairs the meeting if the Chair of the Club is not present.

Moreover, the secretary of the plenary session is responsible for:

(d) Preparation of the minutes and update the Appendix and sending these to the Chair for approval within three months.
(e) The sending of these approved minutes to the members within six months after the related meeting.
(f) Organization of a colloquium if members have so decided.
(g) Distributes proposals for change/extension of the bylaws (if any) to the members.
(h) Formulates the new bylaws and distributes them (if any).

10 Colloquia

(a) An open tutorial colloquium may be organized by the Secretary before or after the plenary session to inform interested non-members on the fundamentals and current problems of circuit making / breaking and current interruption and limitation.
(b) This colloquium shall:
i. Shall be small and focused,
ii. raise the necessary financial resource as applicable,
iii. give the Club more publicity,

11 Privacy

(a) Members and their guest understand that discussions during the Club meetings must be kept as “private communication”.
(b) Written contributions distributed at the meetings must not be forwarded to non-members and non-participants.
(c) Presentations at the meetings are “not published” although titles will appear on the Club website.
(d) The Club has no allegiances or obligations to any other organization.

12 Change of the bylaws

(a) Proposals for change(s) to the bylaws, except Appendix A, must be in writing to the Chair and plenary Secretary who shall distribute it to the members.
(b) Proposed motion(s) for change(s) must be discussed at the earliest possible members’ meeting of the plenary session.
(c) If accepted by 2/3 (two-thirds) of the membership (by voting) the secretary shall formulate the new bylaws at the same members meeting and distribute them to the members.
(d) If the 2/3 majority is not achieved, an e-mail discussion among the members followed by a vote shall take place in order to make the final decision.