Welcome to the CZC 

The Current Zero Club was born out of an informal meeting dating back to the 1960 Cigre session in Paris, where participants expressed a desire to stay in touch to facilitate further discussions on the physical processes in high voltage circuit breakers in an informal setting. This was the starting point for a forum for free, informal discussion of circuit breaker issues and research, unhindered by commercial, national or similar restrictions. 

The name “Current Zero Club” given to this forum reflects the focus on the physical processes that take place during current zero crossing. Today the club consists of three working groups ("Circles") that focus on high-voltage current interruption, low voltage current interruption and interruption in vacuum.

In addition to meetings in the Circles and plenary sessions, the club organizes workshops and webinars to inform a broad specialist audience about current research topics and the state of the art or to enable a further exchange of information.

Gas Circle

One of the inner circles focus on the technology of current interruption with SF6 and other gases in transmission and distribution systems.

Low-Voltage Circle

The "low voltage circle" focus on the technology of the interruption at low voltage .

Vacuum Circle

This group discusses the technology of current interruption with vacuum as a ‘medium’ in distribution and transmission systems.


The CZC has organized webinars on current interruption in SF6 and its alternatives (in 2023) and in vacuum interrupters (in 2024). 


We regularly hold workshops at conferences.
Upcoming workshops on interruption phenomena in vacuum and SF6 and its alternatives will be organized at the 7th Int. Conf. on Electrical Power Equipment - Switching Technology (ICEPE-ST) Nov. 10-13, 2024 in Xiamen, China  (http://icepe2024.org/)